Friday, December 4, 2009

The ugly duckling.

Image by Olof Grind

Welcome to Let's dance a fashion waltz, my personal fashion journal that will document my growth, my musing and my discoveries in a journey from being an ugly duckling, to a swan.

Growing up, we are bombarded with notions of what beauty is. Television, magazines, media and the internet along side with society creates a picture of what beauty and perfection is. But is this true? Is this really what it should be like?

Growing up, I've always been of the opinion that I am one of those who was born to be plain because I did not fall into the cookie cutter template of what society's version of beauty is. But as I grew older, I realised that this wasn't true: beauty is what you make of it; beauty is in the eye of the beholder and beauty isn't just skip deep.

And now, I'm still growing up. I'm growing up to find out where and what my beauty truly is. For we are all beautiful. The key is finding it.

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